Theme Camp Organizers (TCOs)

Theme Camp Update Form

TCOs are the best ❤️‍🔥 We LOVE Theme Camp Organizers!

You help bring the magic and we cannot thank you enough for herding cats, er, we mean campers.

You are the voice of your camp and we totally appreciate you!

Please let us know how we can best help you in this form.

Did your # of Campers change?

Do you need more or less DTCs?

Did your Site Map dramatically change?

Do you need to withdraw?

Are you adding Art to your camp?

Our Team of dedicated Placement Volunteers does NOT have time to change your camp description or small details like logo changes.

Please write in the form in detail the changes needed for your TC application.

Also, you can NOT change from a Small Sound Camp to Large Sound after approval.

If you are adding members, they will most likely be placed in Open Camping.

Love Burn IS Scheduled for

Thursday to Sunday

February 13-16, 2025

Miami, Florida

All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2014-2025 The Love Burn

There are NO REFUNDS on tickets or parking passes for the Love Burn.

Questions??? Email

The email team responds on work days from 11am to 11pm EST. Please be patient. Thanks!